Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Why cant WE take an Initiative?

Lot many times we have heard people blaming one another for one or the other reason. We criticize people for the way they are, for their behavior, for their attitude. We crib for the situation we are in and put the blame on others for putting us in that situation. We never realize that we too were involved in that matter. We never blame ourselves for being in that place as we think that we are always right and the other person is wrong. But do we ever realize that out there, there are only two choices to be made. One is to choose the correct path and the other one is the wrong path. Landing in a messy situation means that out of the two one is right and the other one has to be wrong. And that is why we face this difficulty.

But do we have the courage to stand up and accept our fault? Accept that it was my mistake? Apologize to the other person? NO we never apologize as our big ego comes up and strikes us. But just think once if you go out and say a word "SORRY" which you mean from the bottom of your heart, in case you mean it, it may mean the world to the other person. And the person whom you could have lost forever will now be always there for you. And it is possible that you two could be best of buddies which you never had thought. I have myself experienced this when it happened with my di and I was the victim of it to some extent and it was a horrible feeling. She and her friend had some problems...about which I have no clue....they did not talk for two years but when they resolved their problem they were best buddy types...

But all this is not that simple as it sounds to be. We can’t take a stand for ourselves when required to and expect the other person to do so who may not be at fault. When you are at fault and are unable to put forward your thoughts then why the other person will say or do something. When you can’t do anything for yourself then please stop expecting from others.

And in case you have the guts to go out and speak out your mind, apologize to the other person then I bow to you. Because somewhere or the other we need to take an initiative. And the day we start accepting our mistakes and realize them, this world will become a beautiful place to live in where there will be no hard feeling against anyone and no grudges with anyone. I hope that in case I commit a mistake I will be able to go out and apologize.

God Bless everyone and keep spreading love And Happiness all around you.

Monday, May 25, 2009


Well to be honest, enough I was not at all into this blogging. But this stupid friend of mine is after me to pen down something as she thinks. She thinks that I can write well, but believe me guys I am quite bad at it.....but den I can’t even ignore her as she has this habit of ignoring me[:P]...So as a token of love and respect I have for her I have to sit in front of this PC and pen down something as my feelings deep down in my heart come out automatically....

I hope this attempt of mine will b liked by all u people who will read it out...and your comments will inspire me to write sum more...pen down more of my thoughts which have been always there at the back of my mind.....and now they will be given sum shape in the form of my words....

So this one goes out for U my dear Stylo....
keep reading and do enjoy it.